Historical Buildings


Best DAM HVAC for Historical Buildings

Historical buildings from libraries to museums can be extremely difficult to condition because of the inability to add ductwork and cut into walls and columns. Packaged equipment is often not an option because of the way the building was constructed and the difficulty of distributing air. The Ductless Air Management (DAM) HVAC System can be easily placed in a historical building and condition the space more efficiently and less invasively than other HVAC units. With ground-level placement and servicing, the DAM HVAC System can be placed compactly in the space and not compromise the integrity of the space by running ductwork and cutting large holes in the walls. With gas-free heating, the same coil/DX system provides heating and cooling, meaning no gas train, no gas piping, no heater section, and no venting required, simple and efficient. What are you waiting for? Give us a call today to learn more about our DAM HVAC System!

Benefits and Features of the Ductless Air Management DAM HVAC System

Completely Ductless System

Even Temperatures Throughout Your Facility

Flexible Ground-Mounted Placement

Low Horsepower EC Fan Motors

One-Touch Controls

Gas-Free Heating

Simplified Installation

Easy Routine Maintenance

Quiet Operation

Low Cost Long-Term Utilities

Long Product Life

DAM Simple
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